This site strives to include as many Holidays as possible, with emphasis on the ones celebrated in the Western world. It is impossible to list all the days celebrated, the Saints honored, the events commemorated because there are so many of them.
The Holidays pages are as follows:
FIXED HOLIDAYS ( they always fall on the same date)
MOBILE HOLIDAYS CALENDAR (for Christian, secular, Orthodox, Jewish and Islamic Holidays)
MOBILE HOLIDAYS (follow lunar, political and/or religious calendar)
New Year's Day (January 1)
Groundhog Day (February 2)
Abraham Lincoln's Birthday (February 12)
St. Valentine's Day (February 14)
George Washington's Birthday (February 22)
St. Patrick's Day (March 17)
April Fool's Day (April 1)
Earth Day (April 22)
D Day (June 6)
Flag Day (June 14)
Independence Day (July 4)
Halloween (October 31)
Dia de los Muertos (November 2)
Veterans' Day (November 11)
Christmas (December 25)
Kwanzaa (December 25)
Christian and Secular Holidays, 2000–2002
Orthodox Holidays, 2000–2003
Jewish Holidays, 1999–2002
Islamic Holidays, 1999–2002 (A.H. 1420–1422)
Martin Luther King Day (Third Monday in January)
Chinese New Year (Sometime between January 21 - February 19)
Purim (Between end of February and March 26)
Presidents' Day (Third Monday in February)
Carnival & Mardi Gras (February/March)
Passover (March/April)
Easter (A Sunday between March 22 and April 25)
Mother's Day (Second Sunday in May)
Memorial Day (Last Monday in May)
Father's Day (Third Sunday in June)
Labor Day (First Monday in September)
Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur ( September-October)
Columbus Day (Second Monday in October)
Thanksgiving Day (Fourth Thursday in November)
Ramadan (November- December)
Hanukkah (December)
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